I'm Erin, mum to four little chickadees on earth and one in heaven, and a lucky wife to a handsome Californian who also happens to be a Red Sox fan (all the heart eyes!).
My own mom and dad always encouraged me to follow my artistic pursuits, since as long as I can remember I have thought of myself as an artist.
Through my post high school travels, art school degree and beyond, I was always drawn back again and again to art that tells stories, and communicates beauty and wonder to its viewer. The lives of the saints do all that and more, as their journeys give all glory to God and through them we can experience a deeper personal love for our creator.
Though not always by way of the straight and smooth path, I've grown up in the Catholic faith and continue to learn more about the depth of beauty and culture we have been given. Now as parents my husband and I are passing on what our own gave us, trying to raise our kids up in the faith and teach them about the wonderful gift we have in the Communion of Saints!
I am so happy you are here, and I hope that together we can encourage a new generation of saints!